
TUESDAY Dec 5, 2023

Hampton Inn by Hilton Halifax Downtown
1960 Brunswick Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2G7
Charge Solar and SolarEdge are offering limited capacity three-hour workshops. Both workshops will be offered in the morning and repeated in the afternoon so delegates may choose one in the morning and choose the other in the afternoon or visa versa. Workshops are purchased separately; morning and afternoon are $100 each. You are not required to purchase both but may instead only choose one. Lunch is included for delegates who purchase both a morning and an afternoon workshop.

Morning Workshop Time

9:00 - 12:00
Workshop # 1: Commercial Solar Installation in Atlantic Canada: A Comprehensive Guide

Jeff MacAulay, Brian Douglas & Rob Milliken, Charge Solar

Harness the power of the sun and elevate your business prospects in Atlantic Canada! This in-depth training session has been crafted for individuals and businesses looking to venture into commercial solar installation in the region. Understand the key factors from the perspective of the local utility, financial incentives, installation considerations, to the design options available. Dive deep into the region-specific aspects of commercial solar installation and gain the edge in this green revolution.


Workshop # 2: What’s New at SolarEdge? Optimized Inverters and Smart Energy Management for Homes and Business


12:00 - 1:00

Afternoon Workshop Time

1:00 - 4:00
Workshop # 1: Commercial Solar Installation in Atlantic Canada: A Comprehensive Guide

Jeff MacAulay, Brian Douglas & Rob Milliken, Charge Solar

Harness the power of the sun and elevate your business prospects in Atlantic Canada! This in-depth training session has been crafted for individuals and businesses looking to venture into commercial solar installation in the region. Understand the key factors from the perspective of the local utility, financial incentives, installation considerations, to the design options available. Dive deep into the region-specific aspects of commercial solar installation and gain the edge in this green revolution.


Workshop # 2: What’s New at SolarEdge? Optimized Inverters and Smart Energy Management for Homes and Business

WEDNESDAY Dec 6, 2023

Halifax Convention Centre
1650 Argyle St, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 0E6


8:00 - 8:30

Breakfast, Conference Welcome - Convention Hall CB2-C3-C4

8:30 - 9:50
Morning Keynote - How to Be a Climate Optimist
Chris Turner, Sustainability & Global Cleantech Expert

In this presentation, based on his most recent bestselling book, Chris Turner distills 20 years on the climate solutions beat worldwide into a powerful case for optimism in the face of the challenge of climate change. Turner has been reporting on clean energy, sustainable business, and smart green design the world over since long before any of these were mainstream interests, and he draws on the full breadth of his extensive reporting to paint a vivid portrait of a global energy transition already tackling the climate crisis and pointing the way to a much brighter future.

Session 1:

9:50 - 10:40
Session 1A - Nova Scotia Government Update on Solar [Room-102]

Peter Craig, NS Department of Natural Resources & Renewables

A lot has changed in the solar industry over the past year and so Peter Craig, manager of Clean Electricity in the Clean Energy Branch of the Department of Natural Resources & Renewables, will provide an update on the new commercial Net Metering program, the upcoming Community Solar program, residential as-of-right installations, and how solar plays a vital role in the clean electricity plan of generating 80% renewables by 2030.  

Session 1B - Implementation of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and their roles & benefits in the Built Environment [Room-103]
Session 1C - Panel - Developing Resilient Projects: A Discussion on Solar Foundations and Racking [Room-104]

Break & Tradeshow - Convention Hall C5

10:40 - 11:10

Session 2:

11:10 - 12:00
Session 2A - Unlocking the Potential of Behind-the-Meter Solar in Nova Scotia to Meet Net Zero by 2050 [Room-102]

Wesley Johnston, CanREA
Anirudh Kshemendranath, Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors

Canada's ambitious climate change commitments require urgent action to expand behind-the-meter (BTM) solar generation. Per capita, Nova Scotia is leading the race in BTM solar deployment. Nova Scotia's BTM solar PV market is rapidly growing with a robust incentive program and favourable solar compensation rates; however, more is needed to support the growth of solar in the province necessary for getting us on a net zero pathway. CanREA commissioned Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors to produce a market outlook for BTM solar adoption out to 2050 for four major Canadian markets (tentatively Ontario, Alberta, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan). This panel discussion will discuss the results from the study and explore the current and future state of the BTM solar market in Nova Scotia, highlighting key barriers and challenges and identifying what fiscal and monetary support is needed to ensure that BTM solar becomes an integral tool to help reach our net zero goals.

Session 2B - Ground Mounted and Rooftop Solar PV – Insurance and Risk Management Strategies [Room-103]
Session 2C - Panel - Enabling Battery Storage [Room-104]

Lunch Keynote: Bringing the Sacred Aspect to Clean Energy Projects

12:00 - 12:50 - Convention Hall CB2-C3-C4

Michael Maracle-Polak,
Akwekon Sustainable Energy

Many stakeholders today have a desire to partner with Indigenous people and work towards economic reconciliation. This session will highlight real examples of how it can be done in the energy industry in practice at every stage of the project life cycle.

Tradeshow - Convention Hall C5

12:50 - 1:50

Session 3:

1:50 - 2:40
Session 3A - Battery Storage in context of Canadian Electrical Code [Room-102]

Alexander Wolf, Frankensolar

Alexander Wolf's presentation delves into the intricacies of battery storage installations according to the 2021 Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). The discussion focuses on challenges posed by new rules and certifications, especially in residential contexts. The central topic is the recently introduced binational ANSI/CAN/UL9540 system certifications for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and their prerequisites. This will give attendees insights into standards, testing protocols, and challenges pertaining to the integration of battery storage systems. The presentation is a valuable resource for professionals and stakeholders navigating the evolving regulatory landscape of energy storage.

Session 3B - Solar Nova Scotia - Member Engagement Session [Room-103]
Session 3C - Panel - Making Solar more Inclusive - EDI & the Energy Transition [Room-104]

Transition Break

2:40 - 2:50

Session 4:

2:50 - 3:40
Session 4A - Hybrid Battery Expansions - Ratepayer Savings Opportunity [Room-102]

Geoff Osborne, Capstone Infrastructure

Variable generation and storage are naturally well-suited together. Hybrid projects featuring renewables and storage represent an exciting opportunity to deliver lower-cost and higher-performance non-emitting energy + capacity. Only a handful of hybrids are online in Canada today, yet nearly half of new projects in development in the United States are hybrids according to American Clean Power. Addressing technical, commercial and regulatory barriers facing hybrids is an important opportunity to unlock high value hybrid resources (both new-builds and existing renewable asset expansions) across Canada and potentially critical in attracting new industrial loads (i.e., corporate PPAs, “firm” offtake, repowering, etc.).

Session 4B - Increasing transparency in photovoltaic (PV) hosting capacity to improve project readiness [Room-103]
Session 4C - Panel - Putting solar in communities, or community in solar? [Room-104]

Break & Tradeshow - Convention Hall C5

3:40 - 4:10

Session 5:

4:10 - 5:00
Session 5A - Battery Storage with Utility Integration [Room-102]

Rob Boone, Nova Scotia Power
Giles Counsell, Siemens Canada
Brent Staeben, NB Power

Smart Grid Atlantic, a collaboration between Siemens, Nova Scotia Power, and New Brunswick Power, aims to develop an energy system platform and assess its impact on integrating various distributed energy resources. These resources encompass electric vehicles, battery energy storage systems, smart solar inverters, building management systems, and electric hot water heaters. As part of this project, Nova Scotia Power and NB Power have created a virtual power plant using residential batteries to support critical loads during outages. When connected to the grid, these devices enable innovative grid management, leading to reduced operating costs, emissions, and enhanced renewable energy integration. The presentation will delve into the Siemens Energy System Platform, battery deployment, and the results of load levelling, renewable following, contingency reserve, and congestion management experiments.

Session 5B - From Diesel to Solar: Empowering a Northern First Nations Community with a Transformative Transition [Room-103]
Session 5C - Labour Market Trends of the Clean Economy: Jobs and Skills for Future Leaders [Room-104]

Solar Mixer - Room 605

5:00 - 6:30

Charting the course for solar energy in Atlantic Canada